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Taking Child Abuse and Mothering Into Account: Intersectional Feminism as an Alternative for the Study of Domestic Violence

This article argues that the intersectional feminist lens offers insight into understanding domestic violence and how it relates to child abuse and mothering.



Damant, D., Lapierre, S., Kouraga, A., Fortin, A., Hamelin-Brabant, L., Lavergne, C., & Lessard, G. (2008). Taking child abuse and mothering into account: Intersectional feminism as an alternative for the study of domestic violence. Affilia, 23(2), 123–133. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886109908314321


Damant, D., Lapierre, S., Kouraga, A., Fortin, A., Hamelin-Brabant, L., Lavergne, C., & Lessard, G. (2008). Taking child abuse and mothering into account: Intersectional feminism as an alternative for the study of domestic violence. Affilia, 23(2), 123–133. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886109908314321