Gracelyn, originally from a small dairy farm in central MN, is currently studying at University of Minnesota Duluth with a triple major in Criminology, Sociology, and Psychology. She enjoys learning about all three of these subjects and is interested in exploring the field of forensic psychology. Gracelyn plans on perusing a graduate degree in clinical psychology after she graduates next December. While studying at UMD, Gracelyn has taken part in a teaching assistant position for a introduction to criminology class, which has shown her how much she loves to see people fall in love with the topic of criminology. When she is not studying, you can find Gracelyn working at the bookstore at UMD, creating new displays and helping put new UMD clothing out on the floor. She also loves to spend time with friends and family, often doing outdoor activities, or movie nights in her house. Gracelyn is excited to start her journey at First Witness and is excited to learn more about the field of child advocacy.