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Child Abuse Prevention Coalition

Prevention can be a powerful lever to move our society toward greater health and well-being. Child abuse programs have traditionally focused on individual family dynamics. However, we have come to understand that a community needs to work collaboratively and provide resources to families to prevent child maltreatment by offering services that promote education, understanding, and conditions that promote health and well-being.

The Goals of the Child Abuse Prevention Coalition (CAPC)

  • Collaborate with other community agencies and members to accomplish a broad base of support for community wide support to promote safety for all children.
  • Strengthen our communities’ awareness of the precedence of child abuse and create opportunities for community members to step forward and respond to this critical issue in our community.
  • Promote safety for all children in our community.
  • Create opportunities for community members to step forward and participate in child abuse prevention.

Upcoming Events

< March 2024 >
        1Lake Superior EstuariumLake Superior EstuariumTime: 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
A gathering place for learning and play regarding how fresh water, ecology, and culture coexist and thrive in the Lake Superior Watershed.
Lake Superior Estuarium
3 Marina Drive
Superior, WI 54880
2Lake Superior EstuariumLake Superior EstuariumTime: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
A gathering place for learning and play regarding how fresh water, ecology, and culture coexist and thrive in the Lake Superior Watershed.
Lake Superior Estuarium
3 Marina Drive
Superior, WI 54880
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11 12 13 14 15Lake Superior EstuariumLake Superior EstuariumTime: 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
A gathering place for learning and play regarding how fresh water, ecology, and culture coexist and thrive in the Lake Superior Watershed.
Lake Superior Estuarium
3 Marina Drive
Superior, WI 54880
16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
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 All Ages
 Ages 0-5
 Ages 6-10
 Ages 11-14
 Ages 15-18

 Through research, it’s been found that child abuse can lead to a broad range of problems including substance abuse, intimate partner violence, teenager pregnancy, anxiety, depression, suicide, diabetes, heart disease, sexually transmitted diseases, smoking, and obesity. (Fellitti et al., 1998; Repetti et al., 2002; Mercy & Saul, 2009) Just under half of child abuse victims do not tell anyone about their experiences for at least 5 years, while others may not disclose until they are adults- if ever. (Broman-Fulks et al., 2007)  

 Even when children do disclose, lack of effective adult response means that abuse often continues, or children do not get the help they need to heal. Data shows that one of the most important factors in minimizing the trauma of sexual abuse is the response the child receives when they disclose their abuse to an adult. Unfortunately, most teachers and parents do not have the knowledge needed to respond appropriately to disclosures of child abuse because this information is not openly provided. Through the Child Abuse Prevention Coalition, we hope to increase the community’s understanding of sexual abuse dynamics and make on-going education and information more accessible. It is also anticipated that this group will help to increase positive crisis response skills in school teachers and staff members as well as staff members in community non-profits. As well as improve our community’s understanding of mandatory reporting and schools’ protocols for responding to abuse.  

The Child Abuse Prevention Coalition was convened in 2019 to form a community response against child abuse. The coalition, comprised of community schools, youth-serving organizations, medical and mental health agencies, and other community members, provides a unified voice and collective action to support children and seek an end to child abuse in our community. This coalition is committed to collaborating and learning together, building effective community outreach and support, and constantly working towards eliminating child abuse.

Interested in Joining the Coalition?

Contact Ashley Krois – akrois@firstwitness.org – for more information about joining the coalition.