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The powerful visual representations, created by over 40 artists, will transcend words, creating a profound connection among attendees and ultimately driving the message of “Restoring Hope” to its fullest potential. The artwork, representing a variety of mediums, will come together to express the themes of Hope, Healing, and Justice.
An exciting opportunity awaits the attendees as they will have the opportunity to purchase these remarkable artworks, with proceeds contributing to the First Witness CAC Restoring Hope Capital Campaign. By investing in art that signifies healing and resilience, each purchase will serve as a testament to the community’s commitment to protecting and supporting the most vulnerable among us. Art will be available for purchase beginning the 21st, in person or online at our virtual gallery.
Artwork by Teresa Cox Kolar β Sweet Mare Studio
Opening Reception
The Depot
506 W Michigan St, Duluth
Thursday, Sept 21, 2023
5:00 – 8:00pm
6:00pm: Program in Great Hall
Gallery Open Daily
The Depot
506 W Michigan St, Duluth
Friday, Sept 22 – Monday, Sept 25, 2023
10:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday, Sept 26, 2023
10:00am – 8:00pm
Featuring Artwork By
Candice Adamczak
Kristen Anderson
Emily Aarsvold
Mary Kay Berarducci
Rita Bergstedt
Barbara Besser
Amber Burns
Kim Buskala
Asher Estrin-Haire
Linda Freeman
Crystal Gibbins
Anita Gille
Gruchalla Rosetti Pottery
Rosemary Guttormsson
Zachris Haataja
Sarah Hallberg
Margie Helstrom
Tani Hemmila
Rebecca Hubbs
Leslie Hughes
Handcrafted By Ron Johnson
Kay Kurt
Liz Minette
Kris Nelson
Francis O’Connell
Esther Piszczek
Sue Rauschenfels
Sharon Rogers
Linnaea Borealis Rose
Patty Salo Downs
Patty Sampson
Sarah Bamford Seidelmann
Sandra Signorelli
Stoneweaver – Tracy Chaplin
Adam Swanson
Sweet Mare Studio
Ryan Tischer
Ivy Vainio
Michelle Wegler
Marlene Wisuri
Tom Zipf