Learn more about understanding child abuse, how to respond to and report suspected child abuse, prevention methods, the impact domestic violence has on children, and further your cultural humility skills.
Head, Shoulders, Penis, Vulva: How Using Anatomical Names for Anatomical Parts Can Keep Children Safe
Teaching kids the anatomically correct words for all body parts is a way to prevent child sexual abuse. Click on the link to be rerouted…
How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime TED Talk
In this TED Talk, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris discusses the long term health effects of childhood trauma. How Childhood Trauma Affects Health…
Taking Child Abuse and Mothering Into Account: Intersectional Feminism as an Alternative for the Study of Domestic Violence
This article argues that the intersectional feminist lens offers insight into understanding domestic violence and how it relates to child abuse and mothering.
No Hit Zone
This site provides assistance, samples, and tracking for No Hit Zone implementation. Visit Site »…
The Trauma Therapist, Episode 492: Ignacio Rivera, M.A. Sexual Trauma, Health & Liberation
In episode 492 of The Trauma Therapist podcast, Ignacio G …
What happened to you? Podcast with Sebastian Scales
A podcast hosted by Sebastian Scales that includes conversations about personal taboo experiences/topics in a lighthearted…
Childhelp provides resources for kids on what child abuse is, local child…
National Children’s Advocacy Center (NCAC)
NCAC provides resources to parents and caregivers about being a nurturing parent, parent-child communication, sexual exploitation,…
One in Ten Podcast
Conversations about child abuse with leading experts on science, law, medicine, morality, and messaging. This resource…