Support First Witness this Holiday Season
You empower us to champion hope, provide healing, and pursue justice for the children and families we serve.
Understand Child Abuse
Child abuse affects children in all socioeconomic levels, races, religions, and cultures. Learn the signs of abuse and how to respond and report when abuse is suspected.
If You Suspect Child Abuse
If you are concerned that a child is a victim of abuse, you may be unsure of what to do or how to respond. No matter what your role is, you have the power to make a positive difference in that child’s life.
Prevent Child Abuse
Child abuse prevention training, services, and resources strengthen our community’s commitment to safe relationships and environments for all children.
Upcoming Trainings
Safe and Strong Child© Train the Presenter prepares Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) and other organization to present a child abuse prevention and body safety… Learn More
Being “trauma-informed” is a term that is heard a lot in this field, but what does it actually look like in your advocacy practice? This… Learn More
The ChildFirst® Forensic Interview Protocol brings the field into the classroom, enhancing the education of front-line child abuse response professionals. This training is designed… Learn More
What We Do
Forensic Interviewing
First Witness CAC provides neutral, fact-finding interviews for children, adolescents, and vulnerable adults who may have experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse, witnessed violence, or have been otherwise victimized.
All children and families served by First Witness CAC receive support and family advocacy services as part of the response to allegations of child abuse.
Facilitating a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)
Children and families have the best outcomes when professionals work together and share their expertise.
Medical Exams
All children who are suspected victims of child abuse and served by First Witness CAC are entitled to a medical exam conducted by a specialized medical provider.
Mental Health
Access to specialized mental health services is critical for abused children and their families to move forward in the healing process.
Each of us has a role in the safety and support of children that can help keep them safe from abuse.
Latest News
What to Expect: Coming to our Center for a Forensic Interview
First Witness Child Advocacy Center was founded by and for the community and has served children and families since 1991. Before child advocacy… Read More