Learn more about understanding child abuse, how to respond to and report suspected child abuse, prevention methods, the impact domestic violence has on children, and further your cultural humility skills.
The Violence of Heteronormative Language Towards the Queer Community
This article analyzes patterns of heteronormative violence directed at the LGBTQIA or queer community through language, including the English language structure, erasure of the bisexual…
The State of America’s Children 2020
This report shows how children are doing nationally to further conversations and policies to ensure that all of the nation’s children have an equitable chance…
The Lens of Systemic Oppression: Applying a Racial Equity Frame
This article explains that by applying a racial equity lens to the individual, institutional, and structural levels, we can make concrete steps towards equitable change.
The Impact of Racism on Child and Adolescent Health
This article provides evidence of how racism plays a key part in child and adolescent development and health. When taking this into account, medical professionals…
10 Quick Ways to Analyze Children’s Books for Ableism
In the U.S., there are a disproportionately low number of children’s books that address disabilities and ableism, which then contributes to the stereotypes and bias…
Taking Child Abuse and Mothering Into Account: Intersectional Feminism as an Alternative for the Study of Domestic Violence
This article argues that the intersectional feminist lens offers insight into understanding domestic violence and how it relates to child abuse and mothering.
Stress, Worry, and Social Support: Inequality in America’s Cities
It has been known that income and opportunities contribute to inequality in the USA, but there are also unequal levels of happiness, stress, and optimism…
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Review of Concepts, Controversies, and their Relation to Psychopathology Classification Systems
This article analyzes the history and current controversies of sexual orientation and gender identity and how it relates to psychopathology classification systems.
Rethinking “We Are All Special”: Anti-Ableism Curricula in Early Childhood Classrooms
This article explains that by providing anti-ableism education to children starting at a young age, we can support all children and instill inclusivity as a…